Products & Solutions

What is wax?

Wax generally refers to "organic substances that become solid at room temperature and liquid when heated." In Japanese, it is also called wax.
Wax is effective in polishing, water repellency, antifouling, mold release, and dispersion. It is used in a variety of applications, from cosmetics and daily necessities such as crayons, candles and car waxes, to industrial products such as paints, inks, adhesives, and tires.

Type of wax

Waxes are large, and they are classified into two types: "natural waxes" derived from animals and plants and petroleum, and "synthetic waxes" which are artificially made. There are many kinds, each of which has different physical properties and characteristics.

Major types of wax

Wax Natural wax Biological origin Animal-derived ・Beeswax
・Shellac wax
・Ibota wax
Plant-derived ★Carnauba wax
・Candelilla wax
・Rice wax
・Wooden wax (mokuro, Japan Wax)
Petroleum origin Crude oil-derived ★Paraffin wax
★Microcrystalline wax
・Slack wax
Mineral-derived ・Montan wax
Synthetic wax ★Polyethylene wax
★Functional wax
・Polypropylene wax

★ is a product we handle.

Characteristics of wax

Materials that are friendly to humans and the environment

Naturally derived waxes are also used in food additives and cosmetics.
It is also high in biodegradable wax and is a material that is both human-and environmentally friendly.

Can impart various properties to materials

In general, wax has the following effects.

Main effect Application example
Gloss and sheen Fruit coating, car waxes
Water-repellent, moisture-resistant, and soil-resistant Waterproof cardboards coatings, creams for leather articles
Mold release/sliding materials Mold release agent, anti-friction material *Depending on the type, it is also "anti-slip"
Electrical insulation capacitors, wires
Plastic improver Engineering plastics modifiers, molding aids

Other effects include dispersion, combustion, melting point adjustment, viscosity adjustment, and heat storage.

* It may vary depending on the type of wax, with some exceptions.

Easy storage and transportation

When heated, it becomes a liquid, but it is solid at ordinary temperature, so it is easy to retain and transport.
They range in shape from blocks to grains to powdered ones.

Examples of wax usage

Cosmetic products

Cosmetic products

Car wax

Car wax

Ink and coating

Ink and coating





Shoe cream

Shoe cream



Mold release agents 

Mold release agents 

We have a wide lineup of wax products that can be used for a variety of purposes. Please feel free to contact us.


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